How to Become a Member

Why should I apply for membership in Queens park co-op?

Between its convenient location, great amenities and the best neighbours around, Queens Park Co-op is a great place to live for Seniors, families and people from all stages of life. Located on a private street, yet next to many of New Westminster’s great features such as Queens Park and Canada Games pool, Queens Park Co-op is the perfect blend of community living in the heart of the city.

What is expected of members for participation?

In order to keep our housing fees down, we do not have a property management company or a strata, we take care of all of the upkeep and maintenance of our property on our own.  This includes all of the landscaping and maintenance, as well as all of the community involvement. Examples of committees you can be involved in are: landscaping, membership, social, newsletter, member relations, suite inspections, maintenance, policy, even the board of directors. You will be expected to contribute a minimum of 4 hours towards the community every month. In addition to committee work, there are 2-3 “work parties” per year, where everyone in the co-op spends a weekend day doing landscaping and property upkeep.  You will be expected to participate in this as well. Finally, each unit has a small “unit task” that you will need to complete on a regular basis.  These tasks can involve moving grass, sweeping walks, etc.  We also are all expected to help out when the snow falls to shovel and salt the walks and driveways.

Why is the application process so intensive?

When a suite becomes available, we’re not looking for our next renters, we are looking for the next members of our community. We want to know as much as we can about you so we can select the right fit for the co-op.  This process usually involves an orientation session, a family interview, reference and credit checks. We are thorough to make sure that you are the best match for us, and us for you!

Application Form

To apply for membership with Queens Park Co-op, please complete the fillable PDF below and send it to or print it out and return it to our office at 386 Ginger Drive, New Westminster.